Feeding Miss Lilly front cover

Feeding Miss Lilly

on feeding dogs a great, nature-inspired diet

(revised edition)

Dr Christine King

Publisher: Anima Books, 2022

Printing & Distribution: Lulu Press

PRINT edition

ISBN: 978-1-716-96570-8

Paperback, 7.5 x 9.7 in. (190 x 250 mm), 200 pages

eBOOK edition

ISBN: 978-1-4710-9713-3


Feeding Miss Lilly back cover

Loads of books and articles have been written about feeding dogs, and yet myths and misconceptions about how to feed dogs abound. Perhaps the most pernicious is that it's beyond the ability of the average person to do it well. I hear this concern often from dog owners who'd like to be making their dog's food but are too afraid to even try, for fear of getting it wrong.

Let me relieve you of that notion right now. Feeding dogs well is not rocket science. If it were, then dogs would have died out long ago. You don't need a degree in nutrition to feed yourself and your family well. The same is true about feeding your dog. You simply need to understand the basics, a few essential principles, and go from there. Given how much information is available already, I thought what might be most useful is for me to tell you how I fed my own dog, Miss Lilly.

About the author

Dr Christine King is a holistic equine veterinarian who currently lives in southern Victoria (Australia). Her interests include the medical sciences (veterinary and human), complementary and alternative medicine, music, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, communication, spirituality, and the bonds we share with our animals. Feeding Miss Lilly, revised edition is her ninth book.

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